张兴平,华北电力大学教授、博士生导师。 研究兴趣重点集中在清洁能源发展政策、电动汽车充换电模式、能源-环境-经济系统建模三个领域。目前主持国家社科基金重大项目1项、国家自然科学基金项目2项,省部级科研项目8项,企业委托项目8项。在国际能源经济类重要期刊发表学术论文23篇。
3、国家自然科学基金项目: 我国电动汽车充放电策略优化及协同机制研究
1、Xingping Zhang, Xiaomei Chen, 2009. Energy consumption, carbon emissions, and economic growth in China. Ecological Economics, 68(10):2706–2712. (根据对应领域和出版年中的高引用阈值,到2017年2月为止,本高被引论文受到引用的次数已将其归入Economics & Business学术领域同一出版年最优秀的 前1% 之列。 )
2、Xingping Zhang, Ya-Kun Tan, QinLiang Tan, Jia-Hai Yuan. Decomposition of aggregate CO2 emissions within a joint production framework. Energy Economics, 2012,34: 1088-1097
3、Xingping Zhang, Qiannan Xu, Fan Zhang, Zhengquan Guo, Rao Rao.Exploring shadow prices of carbon emissions at provincial levels in China. Ecological Indicators , 2014, 46: 407-414
4 、Rao R, Zhang XP, Xie J, et al. Optimizing electric vehicle users’ charging behavior in battery swapping mode[J]. Applied Energy, 2015, 155: 547-559.
5、 Xing-ping Zhang, Yi-xin Zhang, Rao Rao, Zhi-ping Shi.Exploring the drivers to energy-related carbon emissions changes at China's provincial levels. Energy Efficiency, 2015
6、Zhang, Xingping; Luo, Kaiyan; Tan, Qinliang. A feedstock supply model integrating the official organization for China's biomass generation plants. Energy Policy,2016, 97: 276-290
7、Rao, R., Zhang XP. A benefit analysis of electric vehicle battery swapping and leasing modes in China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2016,52(6):1414-1426