Manuel Pinho教授,哥伦比亚大学能源经济学教授,葡萄牙前经济与创新部部长
9:00-9:10 主持人宣布会议开始,介绍到场嘉宾
9:10-9:20 北京外国语大学校长韩震教授致欢迎辞
9:20-9:25 Manuel Pinho 兼职教授授予仪式
9:30-9:50 绿色能源与绿色投资:中国能源安全问题的解决之道,发言人:Manuel Pinho,哥伦比亚大学教授,北京外国语大学兼职教授,前葡萄牙经济与创新部部长
9:50-10:10 美国能源的复兴,发言人:Jason Bordoff,哥伦比亚大学全球能源政策中心主任,前奥巴马政府高级顾问
10:10-10:30 亚洲能源面临的挑战,发言人:Nobuo Tanaka,东京大学教授,前国际能源机构负责人
10:30-10:50 国家电网负责人
茶 歇(10:50-11:10)
11:10-11:30 金砖国家的碳政策,发言人:彭龙,北京外国语大学教授,副校长
11:30-11:50 刘桓,国务院参事,中央财经大学教授
11:50-12:10 郑权, 财政部中国清洁发展机制基金管理中心副主任
自助午餐 (12:10-14:00)
主持人:刘鹏, 北京外国大学国际商学院副院长
14:00-14:30 王靖,天津排放权交易所总经理
14:30-15:00 唐人虎,中信证券碳交易与投资首席科学家
15:00-15:30 中国面临的能源挑战,发言人:Watson Liu,罗兰贝格咨询公司北京合伙人
茶 歇(15:30-15:50)
14:00-14:15 我国应对气候变化融资:战略、机制和政策体系,发言人:王遥,中央财经大学气候与能源金融研究中心主任;
14:15-14:30 我国应对气候变化的资金测算,发言人:刘轶芳,中央财经大学气候与能源金融研究中心副主任
14:30-14:40 孙翠华,国家发改委应对气候变化司副司长
14:40-14:50 马爱民,国家发改委应对气候变化司综合处处长
14:50-15:00 叶燕斐 中国银监会统计部副主任
15:00-15:10 段茂盛,清华大学教授、前联合国清洁发展机制执行理事会主席
15:10-15:20 唐茂恒, 中国银行公司金融总部首席产品经理
15:20-15:30 王靖,天津排放权交易所总经理
15:30-15:40 唐人虎,中信证券碳交易与投资首席科学家
15:40-15:50 刘淼,财政部中国清洁发展机制基金项目官员
主持人:牛华勇, 北京外国语大学国际商学院院长
15:50-16:10中国能源行业吸引外来直接投资的可持续性与长久性研究,发言人:Jo?o Concei??o, REN公司董事
16:10- 16:30 2050年中国可持续发展展望,发言人:Pedro Neves Ferreira, Pedro Neves
主 持 人:巫亚桥 北京外国语大学国际组织项目硕士研究生
点评人: Manuel Pinho,Nobuo Tanaka, Jason Bordoff, Watson Liu
16:30-16:50 从加拿大的碳政策看中国,发言人:晏如,尹璐,谭栗,刘冰洋,国际组织项目班学生
16:50-17:10 对比中美两国低碳生活中的公民意识,发言人:周鸣明,王卉妍,陈子璇,国际组织项目班学生
17:10-17:30 中美光伏产业分析与比较,发言人:巫亚桥,玄烨,李梦泽,国际组织项目班学生
International Forum on China’s Green Industries and Green Investment
Forum theme: China’s green economy development has been facing several new challenges since 2012. The first challenge is failure to reach consensus in Global Climate Change Negotiations has caused huge obstacles to global carbon trading market. Besides, there is excessive capacity and growth slowdown in China’s green industries after five years increase of investment. In addition, the United States and the EU are imposing high anti-dumping duties on China’s green industry, making situations of the industry even worse. Last but not the least, achieving green economy is constantly an arduous task with the natural environment deteriorating in China. Facing such a context, Chinese government and enterprises should understand this problem in a broader view and with more thinking. This forum aims at shedding a light on the future of the global carbon market, discussing the strategies and mechanisms of climate financing in China and seeking for strategies that are suitable for China’s green investment over the next few years.
Time of the Conference: 5th, July, 2013
Venue of the Conference : China National Convention Center?(NO.7, Tianchen East Road, Beijing)
Chair of the conference
Manuel Pinho, Columbia University, former Minister of Economy and Innovation of Portugal
NIU Huayong, Dean of the International Business School, Beijing Foreign Studies University
International Business School/ Research Center for Global Low Carbon Economy, Beijing Foreign Studies University
Research Center for Climate and Energy Finance, Central University of Finance & Economics
Research Center for Globalization of Chinese Enterprises, Society of Management Science of China
中国合同能源管理网 China Energy Management Contract Network
海南低碳经济发展促进会 Hainan Low Carbon Economy Promotion Association
重庆低碳工业促进会 Chongqing Low Carbon Industry Promotion Association
Morning, 5th July
Session 1: Opening Ceremony, hosted by Dean NIU Huayong, IBS, BFSU
9:00-9:10 Announcement of opening, introducing the guests
9:10-9:20 Welcome Speech by Prof. HAN Zhen, President of Beijing Foreign Studies University
9:20-9:25 Manuel Pinho Visiting Professor Granting Ceremony
Session 2: Keynote speech, hosted by Associate Dean SONG Zening, IBS, BFSU
9:30-9:50 Green energy and green investment: the solution to energy security in China, Manuel Pinho,
Columbia University, former Minister of Economy and Innovation of Portugal
9:50-10:10 The US energy renaissance, Jason Bordoff, Director, Global Energy Policy Center,
Columbia University, former senior advisor to the White House
10:10-10:30 Asian energy challenge, Nobuo Tanaka, University of Tokyo,Former Head of the International Energy Agency
10:30-10:50 Top Leader of State Grid
Tea Break(10:50-11:10)
Session 3: Keynote speech, hosted by Director of Research Center for Climate and Energy Finance, CUFE
11:10-11:30 Carbon Policies of BRIC countries, Peng Long, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Vice President
11:30-11:50 Liu Huan, State Council’s Counselor, Professor of Center University of Finance & Economics
11:50-12:10 Zheng Quan, Deputy Director of CDMFUND, Ministry of Finance of PRC
Lunch Buffet (12:10-14:00)
Afternoon, 5th July
Session 4:
Main Hall: Keynote speech, hosted by Associate Dean LIU Peng, IBS, BFSU
14:00-14:30 Wang Jing, General Manager of Tianjin Climate Exchang
14:30-15:00 Tang Renhu, Chief Specialist of Carbon Trading and Investing , CITICS
15:00-15:30 China′s energy challenges, Watson Liu, Senior partner, Rland Berger Strategy Consultants, Beijing
Tea Break (15:30-15:50)
Session 4:
Branch Hall:Closed-door Roundtable , hosted by Deputy Dean, Institute of Finance & Economics,CUFE
Discussion Topic:
14:00-14:15 Climate Finance in China: Strategy, Mechanism and Policy System. Wang Yao, Director of Research Center for Climate and Energy Finance, CUFE
14:15-14:30 The Estimation of Climate Fund in China, Liu Yifang, Deputy Director of RCCEF, CUFE
14:30-14:40 Sun Cuihua, Deputy Director, Department of Addressing Climate Change, National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC)
14:40-14:50 Ma Aimin, Director, General Division, Department of Addressing Climate Change, NDRC
14:50-15:00 Ye Yanfei, Deputy Director, Department of Statistics, China Banking Regulatory Commission
15:00-15:10 Duan Maosheng, Professor of Tsinghua University, Former Chairman of CDM EB
15:10-15:20 Tang Maoheng, Chief Product Manager, Financial Headquarter of the Corporation, Bank of China
15:20-15:30 Wang Jing, General Manager of Tianjin Climate Exchange
15:30-15:40 Tang Renhu, Chief Specialist of Carbon Trading and Investing , CITICS, China
15:40-15:50 Liu Miao, Project Manager, CDMF
Session 5: hosted by NIU Huayong, Dean, IBS, BFSU
15:50-16:10 Jo?o Concei??o, Member of the Board of Directors,REN, Case study of sustainability and capacity to attract Chinese FDI in the energy sector
16:10- 16:30 Pedro Neves Ferreira, Head of the Research Department, EDP , China sustainability 2050
experts: Manuel Pinho,Nobuo Tanaka, Jason Bordoff, Watson Liu
Session 6:Youth Leaders and Low-carbon Future (Students Speeches and Experts Comments)
Hosted by Wu Yaqiao, Postgraduate student of International Organization Program, BFSU
16:30-16:50 Seeing China from the perspective of Canada’s Low-carbon Policy, Student of International Organization Program
16:50-17:10 Comparative analysis on the Civil Awareness of Low-carbon Life between China and U.S. , Student of International Organization Program
17:10-17:30 The Analysis and Comparison of Sino-U.S. Photovoltaic Industry, Student of International Organization Program